Mental health in the music industry
Mental Health. in music the industry. Mental health is a topic that is important for all people to talk about, not just musicians. However, it is a topic that has been stigmatised and often misunderstood. The largest known study into mental health and the music...
5 tips for recording killer vocals at home
5 tips. For recording killer vocals at home. OK, so you’re ready to try your hand at recording vocals at home. Your song is ready to go, and you want to get the best vocal takes you can at home. So how can you make sure you sound the best? Whether you’re sending the...
How to Add some Pro Studio to your Home Studio
How to. Add some Pro Studio to your Home Studio. With a passion for home recording the chances are you have all the essentials that a domestic studio should have, but there are some little touches that will make all the difference. To you that might spell ‘money’, but...